Malin Bång hyperoxic (2011)
Maurilio Cacciatore speedcore Attitude (2017)*
Raphaël Cendo Control (2017) watch
Antoine Chessex Miasma (2016)*
Paul Clift The Great Silence (2019)*
Christian Winther Christensen Being Apu Sarkar (2009)
Léo Collin Corals (2019)* watch
Santiago Díez-Fischer Three silent woman (2021)* watch
Andreas Eduardo Frank DAMPF (2022)*
Fred Frith Calle Calle (2016)*
Wolfgang Heiniger Heimat III (2018)*
Lucia Kilger vestige (2020)* watch
Yoko Konishi When you listen to the breath (2022)* listen
Georgia Koumarà …Calling Cards ] Winking Bards… (2018)* watch
Matthias Krüger sweep over me them dusty bristles (2018-2020)* watch
Raphaël Languillat \ RGB / (airstrike) (2019)*
Genoël von Lilienstern Places of yanga - I. topanga beach (2017)*
Genoël von Lilienstern Malibu Creek State Park (2017)*
Genoël von Lilienstern Yangs (2017)*
Eduardo Loría ¿De qué color es el trébol en las montañas? (2022)* listen
Michelle Lou Near Distant (2021)*
Sergej Maingardt VENDETTA (2018)* watch
Fernando Manassero Box of Instants (2021)* watch
Ulrike Mayer-Spohn fFus (2013)*
Barblina Meierhans Phon (2022)* watch
Sarah Nemtsov Drummed variation (2014) watch
Sarah Nemtsov void imaginings (2018)* watch
Oxana Omelchuk Nocturne (2020)* watch
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong used future (2017)
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong Skepsis (2021)*
So-Jeong Yoo Gongbaek (2022)* listen
Yiran Zhao Inverse (2017)*
*written for the ensemble